All Groups must come in for Evaluations: Please set up a time with Coach Janine
This group is our entry level: an athlete need not be able to swim to enter this group, need to be age two years old. Has to learn two strokes to move up.
Coach is in the water- 35 min, water, 5 min dryland, 5 min play (1 swim meet with other Starfish swimmers a month, to get experience and have fun)
Starting @
Workout Days/Times: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: @4-4:45 pm, 5-5:45, 6-6:45p (Summer Session) 36 slots a month open until filled)
Workout Days: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday: @ 4-5/5-6 or 5:30-6:15p/6:15-7p (Spring, Winter, Fall Session) because of the CSUN water polo practices so we only have 2 classes instead of 3 during these sessions. Have 24 slots a month open until filled)